The Science | Midot

R&D & Science

Midot | Leadership & Authority

Since its inception, Midot has been committed to innovation through scientific research. We invest more than half of the company’s budget into research and development, and we consistently publish the scientific findings upon which our products are built. We bring you the best and most up-to-date solutions, and set trends in the industry.

We are aware of our critical mission. Keeping at the forefront of science allows Midot to stand behind our long-term vision and values: Commitment, responsibility for results, openness and transparency, continuous improvement, and professional integrity for organizations worldwide.

Midot | Research & Development

Midot’s R&D translates our assessment science in three ways:


Transforming science for the benefit of our clients. Emerging discoveries placed at your service.


Paying attention to client needs. Translating requirements into research priorities.


From ideation initiation by the Midot team, to a massive statistical database and focus on relevant research, all for the benefit of MIdot’s clients.

Midot strengthens its R&D capabilities through local market partnerships at each stage of the product development process – from early stage theory based thinking with users and field experts, to late stage piloting with key clients.

Midot’s multilingual offering is also a result of investing in R&D: the tests and assessments are not only translated. They are culturally calibrated and rigorously cross-tested to ensure cultural adaptation, compatibility and reliability of psychometric data in every language and territory we serve.

Midot’s technology enables organizations of all sizes to manage end-to-end selection and recruitment processes from one centralized multilingual online platform. Our technological R&D ensures economical, fully secured online tests, delivered through a unique platform that enables exceptional convenience and flexibility for both operators and candidates.

Midot Justification Model (MJM)

A unique contribution to the professional literature

Integrity testing is designed to predict counterproductive work behaviors (CWB). A primary rationale behind integrity testing is based on the theory that attitudes and justifications towards CWB are predictive of those behaviors. However, very little theoretical information currently exists regarding the types and dimensions of these justifications. The aim of Midot’s present model, therefore, was to provide a theoretical typology of CWB justifications. Accordingly, Midot’s model makes meaningful advancements to the professional literature and our understanding of how employees justify engaging in CWB. Moreover, Midot’s model has practical implications for the development of more advanced and accurate integrity tests.

Fine, S., Rigbi, A., & Gottlieb, Y. (2010, August). What were you thinking?! The justification of counterproductive work behaviors. Paper presented at the 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, California.

Check out our scientific publicaitons

Midot | International professional-recognition

Thanks to our R&D contributions worldwide, Midot has received more academic and professional recognition than nearly any other integrity test publisher in the industry. Midot’s researchers, internationally acknowledged, are often invited as lecturers in professional conferences. In recent years, Midot has published more than 50 articles in academic journals and professional bulletins and magazines, and presented dozens of papers at conferences and invited lectures.

Midot | Certifications



Midot is published in the BUROS Center for testing which operates as an independent, non-profit organization within the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The Center is housed in the Department of Educational Psychology in the College of Education and Human Sciences.

ISO 27001

Midot has been awarded the ISO 27001 certificate for information security management system again and again, since 2008. This internationally recognized standard assures Midot’s clients that we provide you with tools and systems you can trust.


As a professional organization that prides itself on strong standards, Midot fully complies with American Psychological Association (APA) and European standards for psychological testing.


Midot is a Full Member of the International Test Commission (ITC) since 2010, whose main objective is to advance professional test development and to raise the quality standards of psychological tests.

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