ROI - Safety | Midot

SafetyTEST by Midot

The comprehensive recruitment, assessment and hiring process requires insight into each candidate’s suitability and risk-level insofar as workplace accident potential. Managing the safety culture within your organization for both new hires and current employees through early risk identification is an invaluable tool.

The SafetyTEST platform determines candidates’ capabilities and it geared to the risk levels of specific job positions. Injuries resulting from workplace accidents cost organizations huge sums of money in medical expenses, workers’ compensation, absenteeism, lost productivity, increased insurance premiums, and more.  Forewarned is forearmed, as the saying goes.

Eliminating significant risks and potential injuries or damage provide peace of mind while ensuring cost reduction. Enter the relevant figures into the ROI calculator in order to establish the return on your investment in SafetyTEST, through reduction of workplace accident risk.

Find out how much you can save

Costs in US$


Average number of accidents/incidents per year
Average number of accidents per year
Number of work days lost per year due to safety accidents or incidents per person
Average number of workdays lost due to accidents / incidents per peson
Average medical cost per day
Medical cost per day per person
Average monthly salary
Monthly Salary
Number of employees/candidates assessed per year
The total number of examinees assessed with the SafetyTEST
Cost per assesment
The cost of each SafetyTEST assessment
% Expected accident/incident decrease
A realistic goal for reducing the organization's rate of accidents / incidents


Total annual damages
The estimated losses incurred to the organization due to accidents / incidents
Total potential savings
The estimated monetary savings to the organization, if it is able to meet the accident rate-reduction goal
Total assessment costs
The estimated cost of SafetyTEST administered
Return on Investment
The estimated return-on-investment value for administering the SafetyTEST assessment; calculated as the net accidents' savings minus the SafetyTEST assessment costs
Return on Investment (%)
The estimated return-on-investment percentage for administering the assessment tool; calculated as the net accidents' savings divided by the SafetyTEST assessment costs
Check out other ROI calculators

Midot SafetyTEST- Return On Investment Calculator

Calculate your expected savings from reducing the risk of candidates
and current employees to be involved in workplace accidents.



Average number of accidents/incidents per year Total annual damages
Number of work days lost per year due to safety accidents or incidents per person Total potential savings
Average medical cost per day Total assessment costs
Average monthly salary Return on Investment
Number of employees/candidates assessed per year Return on Investment (%)
Cost per assesment
% Expected accident/incident decrease

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