ROI -StabiliTEST | Midot

StabiliTEST by Midot

Early resignation- defined as within the first 6 months of employment – is a cause of significant financial loss for the organization. The investment lost from recruitment, hiring, training and non-productivity are damaging and often, preventable

StabiliTEST measures factors including past performance, attitude toward the position advertised and other attributed which are measurable and help predict problematic, voluntary turnover among candidates.

How can you protect your initial investment and avoid wasted time and training efforts by administering a pre-employment assessment tool designed to reduce early turnover through resignation? Check out the calculator below by entering the relevant amounts and compute the return on your investment to achieve a reduction in voluntary turnover.

Find out how much you can save

Costs in US$


Number of early leavers per year
The number of new hires who quit their jobs within the first 3-6 months of being hired
Recruitment (and severance) costs per person
The organization's recruitment costs per person
Training costs per hire
The organization's initial training costs per hire for the first 6 months on the job
Starting monthly salary per person
The organization's mean starting monthly salary
Number of applicants per year
Total number of applicants evaluated by the StabiliTEST
Cost per assesment
The cost of each StabiliTEST assessment
% Expected Turnover Reduction
A realistic goal for reducing the organization's rate of early voluntary turnover. The use of single pre-employment assessments, such as Midot's StabiliTEST, for example, may be expected to reduce early voluntary turnover by 10% - 30%.


Total annual damages
The estimated losses incurred to the organization due to employees quitting within the first 3-6 months. This estimate considers, training, salary and recruitment costs over this period.
Total potential savings
The estimated monetary savings to the organization, if it is able to meet the turnover reduction goal.
Total assessment costs
The estimated cost of the pre-employment StabiliTEST assessment administered to job applicants.
Return on Investment
The estimated return-on-investment value for administering the pre-employment StabiliTEST assessment; calculated as the turnover saving minus the cost of the tool.
Return on Investment (%)
The estimated return-on-investment percentage for administering the pre-employment StabiliTEST assessment; calculated as the net turnover savings divided by the cost of the tool.
Check out other ROI calculators

Midot StabiliTEST – Return On Investment Calculator

Calculate your expected savings from administering a pre-employment
questionnaire designed to reduce early voluntary turnover



Number of early leavers per year Total annual damages
Recruitment (and severance) costs per person Total potential savings
Training costs per hire Total assessment costs
Starting monthly salary per person Return on Investment
Number of applicants per year Return on Investment (%)
Cost per assesment
% Expected Turnover Reduction

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