Call Centers | Midot

Call Centers

An extended data security section, and catalogue of tests adapted for call centers, facilitate a notable reduction in risks, while fulfilling regulator’s requirements for complying with data security regulations.

Call centers are characterized both by their employment of a typically young population, and by their treatment of data as a central organizational asset. The youthful population, often lacking significant employment experience, tends to view the position as a temporary one rather than as a meaningful step in their professional careers. Given the high turnover rate of temporary positions, it becomes more difficult to foster a sense of organizational loyalty and commitment- both of which are developed over time. 

Whether dealing with customer service, support, instruction or sales; whether internal or outsourced, all those operating the center are, in fact, data assets. Client data assets are, for the most part, both personal and business. Data assets are easy to leak, difficult to oversee and in cases of leaks – it becomes problematic to estimate the damage which may result. The challenge facing data assets is threefold: the ability to control access to the data, data leaks, and transfer of data to unauthorized elements.

The danger inherent in leaking data assets applies not only to those employed in the organization, but for anyone directly related to the compromised data and their reputations.

Given the above and in light of the position’s definition as a service occupation, it is incumbent upon the organization to examine the service awareness and employment stability of both candidates and employees. The organization should adopt modern recruitment and selection strategies geared towards younger, dynamic audiences. This, in turn, has a direct effect on the organization’s level of attractiveness as a place of employment as well as on its positioning in the eyes of young candidates and the general public.

Having worked with call centers over the course of several decades, Midot are acquainted with their unique recruitment requirements. Many of the updates to Midot’s system are derived directly from cooperation with clients operating call centers.

Midot’s solutions for clients in the call center field


Integrating a service awareness scale as part of the honesty test and the employment stability exam

Many call centers choose a version adapted for their needs which, in addition to the honesty feature, integrates service awareness as well. In addition, and in light of the risk and high cost inherent in to early turnover, call centers use the StabiliTEST to screen candidates with risks of early resignations.


Regulations Unique to the industry and an extended data security module

Company regulations take into account the role of data as a central asset of the organization along with the characteristics of various positions in the call center domain. Considerable attention is paid to the need to identify weaknesses with respect to regulations and norms, as well as cybercrimes. This module’s questions clarify the candidate’s level of familiarity with the area, as well as allowing companies to add additional questions. Companies can then set screening levels according to the demands and risks of their various positions.


A test catalogue containing dozens of test versions adapted to specific positions and fields

The catalogue allows dozens of test versions to be issued easily. Informative sections may be added to all
tests, based on the position and professional field, in order to create a more precise, in-depth
assessment tool for recruiters.


Fulfilling legal and regulatory requirements

Midot invests significant efforts and resources into adapting technological environments and work processes to satisfy all new regulations. Midot have been ISO27001 certified to manage data security since 2008, and comply with all GDPR demands as well as a range of additional legal requirements in the various markets in which they work. All of Midot’s questionnaires and results reports allow organizations to comply with legal, security and employment requirements.


Efficient administration to large applicant samples

The Podium platform allows organizations to manage large scale recruitment and selection campaigns characteristic of this industry quickly, efficiently and easily. Thousands of examinees can be loaded into the system automatically, and tested from home through a secure system, overseen by camera or from the recruitment center, and results are received immediately upon completion of the test.

Clients in the call center field

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