Mass Recruitment | Midot

Government tenders and mass recruitment

New challenges and solutions for new testing dimensions

As recruitment and selection find themselves progressively digitalized and automated, the use of testing has filtered into areas in which it was traditionally less popular. Testing and evaluation tools, once reserved almost exclusively for professional employees and middle and senior management are the new standard for blue collar, field work, and mass recruitment jobs.

Recruitment, selection and evaluation ability for these vacancies poses a new challenge for recruitment departments. With high- volume recruiting the gauntlet has been thrown down; optimizing flow of select, high-quality candidates through the process quickly, without it feeling like a faceless assembly line. It is the job of test and selection platform suppliers to respond effectively to this need. 

Among sectors characterized by mass recruitment we can point not only to call centers, wholesale chains and so forth, but also to government bodies undergoing the same digitalization processes commercial firms underwent years ago. 

Governmental companies now handle public tenders for public service positions digitally and automatically. Publicizing tenders for even the simplest of jobs, involves hundreds and even thousands of candidates per position and serves as mass recruitment and selection campaigns in every sense. Unlike the private sector, management of government job tenders requires recruitment bodies comply with extremely strict legislation and regulations regarding transparency, equal opportunity and non-discrimination, protection of privacy and data security.

Whether testing is carried out on-site, as distance testing from home (including cameras available to confirm candidate identity) or at mass recruitment fairs, it often means vast testing dimensions – at times with up to a thousand candidates within a short time frame- requiring technological infrastructure capable of supporting this, short tests adapted to the population and a system allowing recruiters to take rapid, even automatic decisions.

Our technological infrastructure supports management of thousands of tests simultaneously. The system’s stability provides both sustainability and scalability; the ability to automatically manage heavy loads within the system.  This provides a solution for large enterprises wishing to securely undertake testing for thousands simultaneously without worrying about service interruption.


Facilitating alternatives for participation in the process

Podium’s selection platform facilitates a range of ways organizations can invite candidates to participate in selection processes – individually or in mass – by pre-registering or through self -registration. When the process is individually or in mass, or as a group, thousands of candidate registrations can be loaded with a single click, sending each fully branded and personalized email invitations, including specific instructions per vacancy or per tender.

Specific features and custom options

  • Creating examinee files – with the link sent to the candidate
  • Excel with a list of examinees – uploaded to the system- which automatically registers the candidates and sends them the link
  • Creation of a public link to the test, for a particular position. The link can be posted on the company site or other recruitment platforms, making it available to all for registration.
  • Emails offer customizable wording and graphics, along with images of how announcements will appear upon completion of the test.
  • Cameras capable of verifying the candidates’ identity are available as an option for distance testing.

Language targeting and rapid decisions

Brief, targeted tests for mass recruitment and operative – blue collar – jobs are presented in simpler language and last, at most, 8-10 minutes each, allowing the recruitment body to determine pass / no pass decisions rapidly and automatically.

Pre-determined times, IP limits and multi-test links

Midot offers a targeted model for automatic tender management within predetermined windows of time. The tests are available only on the pre-announced dates ensuring complete transparency and equal opportunity. The multi-test link means a single link to a series of tests is sent to candidates. Campaign publicity can also be activated with defined time slots, with the option of limiting candidate numbers and also by geographical restrictions for candidacy, based on IP addresses.

Public API’s for easy integration with client’s ATS and HR platforms

Midot’s testing platform can be easily integrated with the recruiting body’s ATS and HR systems through our APIs so that candidate registration occurs within the client’s system, where the final results will also be sent. While the candidate is taking the test on the Midot platform, the process is managed from a single system, saving the recruiters from bouncing between systems and duplicating decentralized data in various systems.

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