Danone | Midot


Danone case Study

Researchers estimate that 80% to 90% of workplace accidents are caused by people’s unsafe behaviors (Clarke & Robertson, 2005).

Midot SafetyTEST is an innovative web-based questionnaire designed to predict workplace safety behaviors and accidents among job applicants and current employees.

Danone Waters is an international manufacturer of natural, flavored and
vitamin-enriched waters, under the brands Evian, Bonafont, Aqua, Mizone, and more. Danone Waters is responsible for approximately 20% of the Danone Group’s revenue, a publicly traded company that is headquartered in Paris, France, and employs more than 100,000 people globally. Danone Waters in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina have several plants and distribution centers in which highest standards of quality, hygiene and safety are implemented, one of the leading practices in its industry in Mexico.

The Challenge

The injuries resulting from workplace accidents can cost companies huge sums of money in medical expenses, workers’ compensation, absenteeism, lost productivity, increased insurance premiums, and more. While environmental factors are important to preventing accidents, individual factors can help identify safety risks prior to employment, and as periodic evaluation.

Therefore, despite Danone Waters’ well developed safety culture and monitoring safety behaviors, it lacked a valid tool for assessing the individual factors in preventing risks among job applicants and working employees. Midot’s SafetyTEST, was chosen as the suitable solution.
The objective was to administer SafetyTEST as a selection and assessment tool to new and existing personnel, as a means to ultimately reduce the number of workplace accidents and the overall costs to the organization due to accidents.

The solution

The SafetyTEST is a short questionnaire that measures a set of key personality traits (e.g., accountability, risk avoidance, stress tolerance) and biographical data (e.g., past safety performance, past experiences, and safety knowledge) as a means to predict unsafe behaviors and workplace accidents.
From 2017 to 2018, the SafetyTEST was administered to over 4,000 new and existing personnel in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil.
Employees were assigned to positions and work teams according to their risk level “zones”. The rate of workplace accidents of all manufacturing plant operators and truck drivers was compared to the year before testing, as an indication of the overall effect
of the tool’s implementation.

Mr. Javier Norberto Ortiz, Safety & Performance Manager for LATAM

“After just 2 years since testing began, the organization now has 18% less driving accidents; 32% less manufacturing accidents; 51% less accident related costs; 500% Return on Investment”. …” We are extremely satisfied with the SafetyTEST’s performance overall, and we are excited to continue to roll it out to other areas in the organization in the years to come”.

The results!

After just 2 years since testing began, the organization now has:

− 18% less driving accidents
− 32% less manufacturing accidents
− 51% less accident related costs
+ 500% Return on Investment

In Conclusion

“We have been using the SafetyTEST operationally for a period of 2 years (2017-2018) throughout Latin America, and have successfully tested over 4,000 new and existing personnel. The SafetyTEST allows us to determine the personal risk level for each employee, and to identify each employee’s personal training needs. We can then assign that person to an appropriate position and team. Since starting testing, we have seen very significant reductions in the number of workplace accidents as well as their associated costs. For example, our accident related costs are now HALF of what they used to be! We are extremely satisfied with the SafetyTEST’s performance overall, and we are excited to continue to roll it out to other areas in the organization in the years to come.”

Javier Norberto Ortiz, Safety & Performance Manager for LATAM
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